Benefits of Being a Venturer
Felix Ventures Foundation offers a unique environment for High School students to form bonds and create unforgettable memories. Our program is free and gives students opportunities such as networking with alumni and touring college campuses through our activities.
Active Venturers have also been rewarded with some scholarship assistance upon graduating from Workman High School.

How to Join
Every Workman student is welcome to join the Felix Ventures Foundation! Being a member is free, all you need to do is fill out all the enrollment packet and STAY ACTIVE. The forms you need are:
Annual Registration Form (google form ONLY)
Annual Code of Conduct
Academic, Attendance and Behavior Release
Authorization to Participate and Release of Liability
Boy Scouts of America Registration
Annual Health/Medical Record (Part A & Part B)
Boy Scout of America Annual Health/Medical Record (Part C) Required for Backpacking / Rock Climbing
Equipment Contract Form
All of these forms are required to go to any of our outings. You can find these forms in the Felix Ventures Foundation Office located in Room L1. Adults interested in participating must fill out separate paperwork.
Are you and adult and interested in becoming part of our program? GREAT. We are always looking for positive, friendly, and active adults to help us with our array of events and outings. See Volunteering Opportunities for more information.

NEW changes to the 2023-2024 School year
Our program has always been OPEN to all students anytime of the year. Beginning 2023-2024 school year we will ONLY be accepting 50 students in our program. Returning ventures will have priority registration till Friday, June 2, 2023 (Priority means that they have a spot saved). After June 2nd, spots will be given on a first come first serve basis to any student who has completed the entire enrollment packet.
You can enroll anytime, but will be placed in a waitlist if all the spots have been filled. We will have open registration periods 3 more times during the year on the following dates:
1st Open Enrollment Period: Monday, August 28th to Friday, September 8th, 2023
2nd Open Enrollment Period: Monday, October 2nd to Friday, October 13th, 2023
3rd Open Enrollment Period: Monday, January 8th to Friday, January 19th, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive information about upcoming trips?
To receive information and reminders of upcoming events, attend our monthly meetings. You may also stop by the FVF office if you missed the meeting and pick up an agenda of the upcoming activities. You can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Remind. To get notifications on Remind, text FVF635 to 81010.
Do we have to go to every meeting?
No, meetings are not mandatory. However, the more meetings you attend the more information you will receive, which is a benefit. Remember that all activities give you points, meetings do too. Get more points and get free FVF gear and awards!
What happens during the Open Enrollment Period?
Any available spots will be given to students who have completed the enrollment packet on a first come first serve basis until the program is full
Is there a requirement for me once I'm in the program?
YES. As a venturer you will be required to stay active to keep your spot. We will post your points every month. Each activity gives you points depending on the trip/event. In order to keep your spot you need to have the following points by the following dates:
Need to have at least 5pts or more by October 2, 2023
Need to have at least 25pts or more by January 8, 2024
What if I can't get enough points by the time the enrollment date opens, but I want to keep my spot?
We know life throws curve balls sometimes, please come talk to us prior to the date and we will figure out a way for you to keep your spot according to your special circumstance.
What happens if I don't have enough points by October 2nd or January 8th?
You will be contacted a week prior to open enrollment and will be notified that your spot will be give to someone else
What if I don't want to be in the program anymore?
We are sad to see you go, but we understand that things change. You will be able to reapply at a later date, or next year if you change your mind or circumstances change. Don't worry we are good at handling breakups :)
Do I need to wait for the enrollment period to register?
NO! You can fill out your enrollment forms now! This will give you a better waitlist spot. However, you will need to wait till the enrollment period opens to see if any spots opened.
Can I participate in the events offered by FVF at school even if I'm in the waitlist?
YES! Felix Ventures periodically offers FREE events to the entire school. ANYONE can participate in those, you do not need to even sign-up.
Can I hang out in the Felix Ventures Office even if I'm not a current venturer?
YES! We welcome anyone and everyone ALL THE TIME. By the way did you know that we have a microwave, a toaster, and FREE cold water (just bring a waterborttle) and hot water (for cup-o-noodles) that ANYONE can use!
Who do I ask my current points?
Any staff during OPEN office hours they will be happy to let you know how many points you currently have, unless they are in a meeting.
Is the program still FREE?
YES! We are still free! Everything is the same as always. Only the amount of members accepted is what is changing.
I don't get the new changes, who do I ask?
Stop by our office (room L-1/ first level/ next to the admin office) during our office hours. You can also email
Can we still participate after we graduate?
Yes, Felix Ventures is always welcoming more people to join us on outings. We are also always looking for help, such as with driving. For more information on how to participate as an Adult, see Volunteering Opportunities.
What is the transportation when going on trips?
Private car, car rental, school bus, and Airplane (Campus Tours)
Can I use my electronic device when on a Felix Ventures trip?
No. Phones, tablets, or gaming devices are not allowed during trips. Cameras are allowed for pictures but it is your own responsibility. Phones cannot be used as "cameras" or a "watch".
Can family come on trips?
Yes, families are welcome as well. However they must also fill out paperwork, come to training (if applicable) and meet with us prior to trips.
Who takes charge of the planning?
Felix Ventures Foundation Officers and Senior Patrol Leaders. For more information, visit About the Officers.
How do I become an officer?
Fill out an application located in the Felix Ventures Foundation office and sign up for an interview. Click Here to get your application. Applications for the next school year open in April and close once all positions have been filled.
Who pays for everything in Felix Ventures?
The Founder and Executive Director, Felix Grossman. However, ventures are responsible for bringing money to pay for food on the road and they are responsible for their lunches, ten essentials, and sometimes buying special personal equipment. Campus Tours generally have a small cost to attendees.